Life is Beautiful

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

1 Corinthians 13:13

There are days when I hate taking the LRT. This is one of them, a day with little to laugh about, and a long trip that is no joke at all.

I had walked from college to Sunway Pyramid, during which the sky decided to open up. Not too much, but enough to make my shirt stick to my chest, with me silently praying that pneumonia will be nowhere to be seen.

And then there was the bus. It took a while to get there, give or take some 40 minutes or so, but it eventually got to the stop. I got on, and settled myself at the back end of the bus, and leaned my head against the window, my eyelids drifting lazily downwards.

I don't know what it is that brought my attention to them, but it did so sometime after my bus trip began. There was little to be seen, nothing to be acknowledged up until then.

Then I saw it.

A couple of rows ahead of me, a black man and a Chinese girl sat together casually. The man had his right arm draped around her, his fingers gently caressing her arms as they looked deeply into each other's eyes.

I can't put my finger on it. I really can't.

But I know that they're in love.

Not infatuation, not lust, not even adulation. Love.


The bus eventually reached it's last stop, and everyone got off. I needed to get to the other side of the highway, meaning that I have to take the sky bridge. The couple didn't. They alighted from the bus, and walked on under the bridge.

I went to the top of the bridge, and watched as they walked along, hand in hand.

They're in love.

I laughed.


Anonymous said…
I notice you quoted the Bible a couple of times on ur blog ... :)

Not only that, you always seem to choose the good verses too! :)
Fikri said…
Some people send me stuff, others I just come across. I remember Meng Yoe reading this from the Bible as we were on our way to our job interview late last year. He read it for good luck, and we got the job, so it can't be too bad :>
The Cat said…
Love. That emotion you crave for so much, and everything changes when it hits you. Love. It hurts. And still, it makes you smile. Makes you think that life is truly worth living. Heres to this crazy thing called Love! :D Cant do with it, cant do without it! buh.
Fikri said…
Well, I look at it as more of a good thing. But can hurt :>
Anonymous said…
I have a saying too...
"With Love between you and me, we're one step closer to World Peace."

Keep the light on!
Fikri said…
We are the world... :> Thanks for dropping by, Gurustu. Nice to see you again.
Anonymous said…
Maybe its interest ? act on it.
Fikri said…
Already have.
Anonymous said…
-Gawk-...way to go fik...i'm sure far-far away a 'fren' shedding tears of happiness upon hearing this news...but then again... that fren might be upset too...hearing this way..alas!
Fikri said…
Selempang Merah...who are you? :>
joanne liyeng said…
Love is 1% feelings, 99% choice.

what do you think of this statement?
Awww.. i think that is so sweet, and i like the fact you quoted such a nice verse. ^_^...Loves Never Fails...

Amen ^_^
Fikri said…
To anne-jo: I don't agree with it.

To my Lady: It's my favourite quote from the Bible.
Anonymous said…
I've stopped believing.
Fikri said…
No, you haven't.