Thin Red Line
Where do you cross the line? The line between never forgetting the mistakes that you made and the lessons that you learnt, and not being able to let go?
Is there a difference between the two? Or are they just different ways to explain the same thing? One with good connotations, the other tainted with the bad?
Is there even a line there in the first place?
Is there a difference between the two? Or are they just different ways to explain the same thing? One with good connotations, the other tainted with the bad?
Is there even a line there in the first place?
Let us know if you yourself come up with answers.
I don't know about lines.
I just know that Sean Penn is very cool in when it comes to thin red lines.
Adrien Brody as well.
And Jim Caviezel.
Nick Nolte.
And whatshisname.
And Ben Chaplin.
have I mentioned Sean Penn?
Oh and Hans Zimmer had a role to play in the thin red lines as well.
To TMY: And George Clooney. Don't forget John Travolta as well :>
To Sarah: Am not bitter. It's just something someone said to me that made me think about this a bit. That's all :>
I know u're hurt..
And for fuck's sake, I can't write one thing about perceived negativeness on this site without people thinking that I'm hurt or I'm bitter. Bloody hell.
I just think Sean Penn is blardy cool in the Thin Red Line.
And even if you're derprived or bitter, its your right, mate :)