Dead End

Flying... a nice way to die.

So is dying in your sleep. A nice place to die would be in church.

Die while sleeping in a flying church.

That would be a very nice way to die.


Anonymous said…
Whichever way to die, there should be no regrets.
KL said…
I simply don't want to die at all.
Fikri said…
I wasn't really thinking about death, per se. It's just that for some reason, the phrase 'flying is a nice way to die' jumps to mind, and it seems to flow well. So I thought I'd put it down here.
Anonymous said…
You should consider poetry or prose poetry then. Plenty of web resources for those. That's how some people write poetry, think of a nice phrase, and build on it.
Eddie G. said…
If I should die, it's gotta be because I was whistling Yankee Doodle in a pub in Atlanta.

Or playing with stuff that says "Radioactive" of them too much...
Anonymous said…
In life the only thing that is certain is death and change...
So what difference does it make which way we die... we are all still going to die anyway.... it's not like we a going to come back to life and tell plp how we died.... right?
Eddie G. said…
That is true, my good friend Anon. But still, I'd like to have the choice of which burning window I'd like to jump out off. At least I'll get bragging rights in the Afterlife. If there is one.
Fikri said…
To Anonymous: We only have one shot at it. Might as well make it a worthy one :> Personally, I'd want to die happy. How would I be happy? Well, objectives and dreams change all the time, but whatever the means, the ends remains the same.
Fikri said…
To Eddie: I don't want to die in Atlanta. I'm pretty sure it's the same as any other place (good and bad), but I'd rather somewhere more picturesque. Can't think of one right now, though...