
"In making this story, then, I was torn between creating a dramatic short film and re-telling a history as it happened. It became neither, merely a wish for a dream that could never be."

Fikri Jermadi

*'Fly Me to the Moon' will be screened at 12th Rolling KARTS School of Visual Arts, Film Department Graduation Films Festival. It'll take place at Lotte Cinema, Hongdae. Tickets are free, on a first come first served basis. To get to the cinema, get off at Hongik University, and walk for a few minutes from exit no. 4. This is the map. For more details, click here.

* 휘크리 저마디의 졸업 작품 12th Rolling 한예종 영상원 영화과 졸업영화제에서 상영합니다. 롯대시네마 홍대에서 생결 거에요. 밑에는 AMA장학생 작품들의 상영하기 스케줄 입니다. 영화표를 무료 입니다. 영화 극장에 가려면 홍대입구 지하철역에 내려고 4번줄구로 가십시요. 여기는 극장 지도 입니다.
